Die Philosophie unseres Weinbaus und der Weinbereitung ist es, altehrwürdige Traditionen zu verfolgen und Dinge auf altmodische Weise zu tun. Wir verwenden keine Herbizide oder andere schädliche Chemikalien aus Respekt vor Mutter Natur. Unser Ziel ist es, Ihnen ausgezeichnete Weine anzubieten, denn unsere Trauben werden handverlesen und sorgfältig in den Keller verarbeitet. Wie die Natur sie beabsichtigte.
Location: Gmajna
Wine region: Vipava Valley
Grape varieties: Cabernet Sauvignjon, Merlot
Soil composition: flysch
Trellis system: single Guyot
Elevation: 111m above sea level
Geographical position: top of the hill, non-terraced
Year of planting: 2004
Harvesting: handpicked, carefully selected grapes
Location: Tepevnik
Wine region: Vipava Valley
Grape varieties: Merlot, Sivi Pinot
Soil composition: flysch
Trellis system: single Guyot
Elevation: 85 m above sea level
Geographical position: slope, terraced
Year of planting: Merlot 1973, Sivi Pinot 2004
Harvesting: handpicked, carefully selected grapes
Location: Raftišče
Wine region: Vipava Valley
Grape varieties: Chardonnay, Pinela, Rebula
Soil composition: flysch
Trellis system: single Guyot
Elevation: 106 m above sea level
Geographical position: slope, terraced
Year of planting: Chardonay,Pinela 2010, Rebula 2004
Harvesting: handpicked, carefully selected grapes
Location: Špegle
Wine region: Vipava Valley
Grape varieties: Sauvignjon, Rumeni Moškat, Barbera
Soil composition: flysch
Trellis system: single Guyot
Elevation: 138 m above sea level
Geographical position: slope, terraced
Year of planting: 1995
Harvesting: handpicked, carefully selected grapes
Location: Hrastov hrib
Wine region: Vipava Valley
Grape varieties: Chardonnay
Soil composition: flysch
Trellis system: single Guyot
Elevation: 120 m
Geographical position: slope, terraced
Year of planting: 2015
Harvesting: handpicked, carefully selected grapes